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Name Status Factor Impact (important Because) Category Tool Notes
Is Google Analytics Installed? ✅ or ❌ GA should be installed because It helps us track key metrics, measure goals, and make data-driven decisions to enhance online presence and success. Google
GA duplication check ✅ or ❌ Duplicate GA code will cause uneven user tracking. Google http://gachecker.com
Is Search Console setup? ✅ or ❌ It help to monitoring our website performance, identifying issues, and optimizing SEO. It provides valuable insights on indexing, search visibility, and user behavior. Google GA Debug Extension
Are there any Search Console errors? ✅ or ❌ The all Search Console error need to be fixed like - Crawl errors - Server error - Mobile usability issues - Structured data errors - Redirection errors - 404 error - Duplicate canonical error Etc. Google
Google cache analysis ✅ or ❌ Examining the cached version of a webpage stored by Google. It helps assess how search engines view and index the content, identify potential indexing issues, and evaluate the website's performance in search results. Google cache:’ in browser
Are there any negative Google Autosuggest? ✅ or ❌ When people start typing in Google, the Autosuggest feature shows popular search predictions. If negative suggestions appear, it could harm our business image and trust. Google
Any manual actions? ✅ or ❌ Google takes action against websites that create bulk backlinks. When Google becomes aware of these websites, they take manual actions that can result in the website's ranking dropping on search engines. Google
Are there any crawl errors? ✅ or ❌ Regularly checking the Google Search Console for crawling and indexing issues is important. Because It helps ensure that search engines can properly access and include your website's pages in their search results, leading to better online visibility and user engagement. Google
Site video use ✅ or ❌ Video content on website is used to enhance engagement. Videos convey information effectively, and improves user experience. Site Architecture
Has Internal Linking been classified on primary pages? ✅ or ❌ Yes, internal linking has been classified on primary pages. In SEO, internal linking is the practice of linking from one page on your website to another page on your website. This is done to help users navigate your website and to help search engines understand the structure of your website. Site Architecture
Site Visualisation Checks ✅ or ❌ Site visualization checks are like tests that help us see how a website looks and if it's easy to use. Site Architecture
Site Structure & Silo Use ✅ or ❌ Silo structure in SEO is a type of website architecture where you group, isolate, and interlink content about a specific topic. This creates clean, distinct sections of related content on your website. Site Architecture
URL naming convention - is this well optimised? ✅ or ❌ URLs should be comprised of letters, hyphens and numbers — no other characters, e.g., underscore, tilda, etc. URLs should be in lowercase. URLs should be short and memorable. URLs should not end in . Site Architecture
Is an HTML Sitemap in use? ✅ or ❌ Yes, an HTML sitemap is an HTML page on which all subpages of a website are listed. It is usually linked in the footer of a site and is therefore visible to all visitors. Site Architecture 3 sitemaps
Is the site using a crumb trail? ✅ or ❌ A breadcrumb trail displays the page a user is currently on and its relation to the pages they visited before it, or the hierarchy of higher level parent pages above the current page. Site Architecture
Is primary navigation easy to use? ✅ or ❌ Primary navigation is the principal navigation interface on a website. It helps users to quickly find what they're most likely to want, with minimal searching and clicks. Site Architecture
Footer navigation checks? ✅ or ❌ The footer navigation is where users look when they search for these specific items. Users will often go directly to the footer to find contact information or locate ways to get customer support. Site Architecture
Is all good content under 4 clicks from home? ✅ or ❌ Yes, effective content architecture is vital to creating a pleasant content management experience for editors, content managers, and content strategists. Site Architecture
Menu setup and use ✅ or ❌ A website navigation menu is an organized list of links to other web pages, usually internal site pages. Navigation menus appear in page headers or sidebars across a website, allowing visitors to access the most useful pages quickly. Site Architecture
Does the site use Subdomains? ✅ or ❌ Subdomains are websites that are hosted under a main domain name. For example, the website www.abc.com is a subdomain of the main domain name abc.com. Site Architecture
Does the site carry a Favicon? ✅ or ❌ A favicon is a small icon that is displayed in the address bar of a web browser and in the bookmarks bar. Favicons are often used to identify websites and to make them easier to recognize. Site Architecture
What platform is the site built on? ✅ or ❌ It depends on the niche, if you have the ecommerce store then you can build your website ecommerce store on Shopify platform and if you have other services like digital marketing then WordPress is the best platform. Site Architecture Drupal
Does the platform come with known restrictions? ✅ or ❌ Platforms may come with some known restrictions such as site structure, site's content, and site SEO. Site Architecture Has its own restrictions
Are there too many ads on any pages? ✅ or ❌ Too many ads on website pages can negatively impact user experience, slow down loading times, and make it harder to access the actual content. We should maintain a balance between ads and content for a better user experience. Site Architecture
Does site:brand show expected sitelinks? ✅ or ❌ using the "site:brand" operator in a search engine does not show expected sitelinks. Sitelinks are generated by search engines and typically appear below the main website result for specific queries, providing direct access to important pages within the site. Site Architecture
Brand search - Does homepage come up #1 when searched? ✅ or ❌ If homepage come up #1 when searched it indicates a fragment identifier in the URL, which might not be ideal. The homepage ranking without the "#" is preferable for a more professional appearance and easier user navigation. Site Architecture
Does a website has Blog page? ✅ or ❌ A website should have a blog page to engage users with valuable content, establish authority in the industry, improve SEO rankings, and encourage repeat visits. Blogs provide a platform to share insights, updates, and helpful information, fostering a stronger connection with the audience. Site Architecture
Are any Deprecated HTML Tags being used? ✅ or ❌ Some deprecated HTML tags were still being used, but their use was discouraged. Common examples included <center>, <font>, and <strike>. It's essential to use modern, semantic tags and CSS for better compatibility and accessibility. Technical SEO Checks https://seositecheckup.com/tools/deprecated-html-tags-test
Site protocol checks ✅ or ❌ Site protocol checks are a series of tests that can be performed to determine the security and performance of a website. These tests typically include checking the website's SSL certificate, the supported protocol versions, and the use of HTTP/2. Technical SEO Checks
Primary Protocol Use (HTTP / HTTPS)? ✅ or ❌ HTTPS is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The S in HTTPS stands for “secure.” When a website is encrypted with TLS (or SSL), it uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Basically, it's HTTP with encryption. Technical SEO Checks
Is there a sitemap.xml file? ✅ or ❌ It's a list of all the pages on the site, helping visitors and search engines find their way around easily. It ensures that no pages are missed and helps improve the website's overall organization and navigation. Technical SEO Checks https://windhorsetour.com/sitemap.xml
Is there a discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and Sitemap? ✅ or ❌ The Discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and the sitemap refers to a situation where the number of pages that Google shows as being on a website is different from the number of pages listed in the sitemap file provided to Google. Technical SEO Checks Check Sitemap in GSC and site:in Google site: 1980 vs 1519
Are any invalid pages in the sitemap? ✅ or ❌ There should be no redirection pages and duplicate page on Sitemap. Technical SEO Checks Screaming Frog 1
Is there a Google News sitemap.xml file? ✅ or ❌ Google News Sitemap.xml is compulsory for the news sites who publish the latest news content on their website. Technical SEO Checks This is very much needed, with a news section, as its agency and shares travel news. Should make one
Pagination checks ✅ or ❌ Pagination is used to divide a document into pages, usually for numbering them. The term can also refer to the physical process of creating individual pages by hand or with machinery. Technical SEO Checks Screaming Frog Pagination is not present. Need to follow recommendations by google. https://windhorsetour.com/blog?page=1 Separately, after page 2 it is becoming a technical problem due to url changes and redirects when clicking more blogs.
Canonical Tag ✅ or ❌ The Canonical Tag is an HTML Tag that tells Search Engines the primary URL of a page. URLs can have multiple versions due to things like parameters being passed or www and non-www versions, resulting in potential duplicate content. Technical SEO Checks Screaming Frog However, restricted by screaming frog due to too much searches being crawled.
Redirect chains & Redirect loops ✅ or ❌ A redirect chain is a series of redirects that a user must go through in order to reach a destination page. And A redirect loop is a special type of redirect chain where the user is redirected back to the same page over and over again. Technical SEO Checks Screaming Frog
Robots.txt present? ✅ or ❌ A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google. Technical SEO Checks
Robots.txt review ✅ or ❌ Robots.txt review is a process of checking a website's robots.txt file to ensure that it is correctly configured and that it is providing the desired level of control over which pages of the website are indexed by search engines. Technical SEO Checks Visual
Are pages being correctly blocked by Robots.txt? ✅ or ❌ The “Blocked pages by robots.txt” error means that your website's robots.txt file is blocking Googlebot from crawling the page. Technical SEO Checks
Are pages being correctly blocked by Meta Robots? ✅ or ❌ To check if pages are being correctly blocked by Meta Robots, you can use a tool such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider. This tool will crawl your website and check if it is following the instructions in your Meta Robots tags. Technical SEO Checks Screaming Frog
Are Tag Pages being used? ✅ or ❌ Tag pages that are indexed generate duplicates and SEO problems. Technical SEO Checks
Does the site have a valid SSL certificate? ✅ or ❌ For an SSL certificate to be valid, domains need to obtain it from a certificate authority (CA). A CA is an outside organization, a trusted third party, that generates and gives out SSL certificates. Technical SEO Checks
Do all pages redirect from HTTP to HTTPS correctly? ✅ or ❌ If you redirect HTTP to HTTPS, we need to make sure to mark your cookies as secure so you don't leak them in the initial accesses through http. Technical SEO Checks
Is an HSTS policy in place? ✅ or ❌ HSTS policy is a security feature that tells web browsers to always connect to your website over HTTPS, even if the user types in the HTTP address. This helps to protect your website from security vulnerabilities such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Technical SEO Checks http://securityheaders.com/
Site Uptime ✅ or ❌ It is the percentage of time that a website is available to visitors. It is an important factor in technical SEO because it affects how search engines index and rank websites. Technical SEO Checks
Javascript Use ✅ or ❌ JavaScript plays a significant role in technical SEO, and its usage can have both positive and negative impacts on a website's search engine rankings and overall performance. Technical SEO Checks
Is the .htaccess file configured correctly? ✅ or ❌ It is a configuration file that is used to control how your website is accessed and displayed. It is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your website's SEO, security, and performance. Technical SEO Checks
Are Dynamic Pages being served correctly? ✅ or ❌ Dynamic pages can be a great way to personalize the user experience, but they can also be a challenge for SEO. This is because search engines need to be able to crawl and index dynamic pages in order to rank them. Technical SEO Checks
Does the site have open dynamic pages that can be blocked? ✅ or ❌ Yes, sites can have open dynamic pages that can be blocked in technical SEO. These pages are often referred to as "crawl budget drainers" because they can consume a lot of a website's crawl budget without providing any real value to users or search engines. Technical SEO Checks
Malware & Security Checks ✅ or ❌ Malware and security checks are an important part of technical SEO. By ensuring that your website is free of malware and other security vulnerabilities, you can protect your website from being hacked and you can also improve your website's ranking in search engines. Technical SEO Checks
Blacklist check ✅ or ❌ A blacklist check is a technical SEO practice that involves checking to see if your website has been blacklisted by any search engines or other websites. Technical SEO Checks
Are any pages being duplicated due to poor architecture? ✅ or ❌ Pages can be duplicated due to poor architecture in technical SEO. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as using the same URL for different pages, canonical tags, dynamic pages, etc. Technical SEO Checks
Structured Data & Schema Use ✅ or ❌ Structured data is a way of organizing the content on your website so that search engines can better understand it. This can help your website to rank higher in search results and to appear in richer snippets. Technical SEO Checks POP
Are there any Chrome Console Errors? ✅ or ❌ Yes, there are a number of Chrome Console errors that can affect technical SEO. These errors can include 404 errors, 500 & warning errors. Technical SEO Checks
Is every site page secure and without errors? ✅ or ❌ No, it is not possible to guarantee that every site page is secure and without errors in technical SEO. However, there are a number of things that you can do to improve the security and technical SEO of your website. Technical SEO Checks
Are there any canonical errors? ✅ or ❌ Yes, there are a number of canonical errors that can occur in technical SEO. These errors can affect the way that search engines index your website and can ultimately impact your website's ranking in search results. Technical SEO Checks
Are all ads and affiliate links nofollowed? ✅ or ❌ No, not all ads and affiliate links are nofollowed in technical SEO. Whether or not an ad or affiliate link is nofollowed depends on a number of factors, including the type of link, the context in which the link is used, and the website's overall SEO strategy. Technical SEO Checks
Can the site be crawled and used without Javascript on? ✅ or ❌ Yes, a site can be crawled and used without JavaScript on. Technical SEO Checks
Server location by IP ✅ or ❌ Server location by IP can have an impact on page load, local SEO, geotargeting, etc. Technical SEO Checks
Check all sites on webserver ✅ or ❌ Yes, it is possible to check all sites on a webserver through Google search console, screaming frog, google analytics, etc. Technical SEO Checks
Is a CDN in use? ✅ or ❌ CDN is a network of servers that are distributed around the world. When a user requests a file from a website that is using a CDN, the file is served from the server that is closest to the user. This can help to improve the performance of the website, as the file will be delivered more quickly to the user. Technical SEO Checks
Check domain history ✅ or ❌ Yes, domain history can be checked through tools like Domaintools, screamingfrog, and WHOIS. Technical SEO Checks
HTML Validation ✅ or ❌ HTML validation is the process of checking if a web page's HTML code adheres to the standards defined by the HTML specification. It ensures proper syntax, structure, and tag usage, helping to identify errors and ensure cross-browser compatibility, better accessibility, and improved SEO. Technical SEO Checks
Is the site W3C Compliant? ✅ or ❌ W3C compliance ensures adherence to web standards. It will improve website accessibility, cross-browser compatibility, and search engine visibility. Technical SEO Checks
Accessibility Checks ✅ or ❌ Accessibility checks are used to ensure that websites and digital content are inclusive and usable by people with disabilities, providing equal access to information, services, and opportunities on the internet. Technical SEO Checks https://www.accessibilitychecker.org/ https://www.accessibilitychecker.org/audit/?website=https%3A%2F%2Fwindhorsetour.com&flag=us
Check for HTTP pages that don’t redirect to HTTPS ✅ or ❌ Type in “http://yourdomain.com”. If your page isn’t redirected to “https://yourdomain.com”, then you should implement a 301 redirect from the HTTP to the HTTPS version. Technical SEO Checks
Are there any redirects other than 301? ✅ or ❌ A 301 response code is returned by the server when a URL that the user has requested has been permanently moved to a new location. Technical SEO Checks
Check for broken 301 redirects ✅ or ❌ A 301 redirect that points to a page that doesn’t exist or returns a server error isn’t great for user experience. It’s also a waste of that page’s ranking power because you’re passing this authority to a page that is essentially dead. Technical SEO Checks
Ensure that 302 redirects are implemented for temporary redirects only ✅ or ❌ 302 redirects essentially tell the search engines that you’ll eventually revert back to the original URL. It’s also worth noting, that unlike 301 redirects, 302 redirects do not pass any ranking power. Technical SEO Checks
302 redirects ✅ or ❌ A 302 redirect indicates that the URL exists (i.e. it’s been found by the server), but that it has been temporarily moved to a new URL. Technical SEO Checks
Are there any 5xx errors? ✅ or ❌ 5xx errors are server-side errors that occur when a user's request cannot be fulfilled by the web server. Examples include 500 Internal Server Error, indicating server problems, and 503 Service Unavailable, indicating the server is overloaded or undergoing maintenance. Technical SEO Checks
Implement a redirect for pages that have moved ✅ or ❌ If the URL has changed, implement a 301 redirect to let both your users and search engines know. Technical SEO Checks
Check for 404 pages that redirect to the homepage ✅ or ❌ Google’s John Mueller stated that pages that redirect all its 404s to the homepage are treated as “soft 404s”, which we’ll explore very soon! This is not great practice because it “confuses users”. Technical SEO Checks
404 page check ✅ or ❌ A personalized 404 page is used to inform users that the requested web page doesn't exist on the server. It helps guide them back to the website's functional pages. Technical SEO Checks over 250 pages show 4xx, but only few needs to be properly addressed, rest should be noindexed in gsc
Avoid soft 404s ✅ or ❌ A Soft 404 error is where a page that no longer exists (because it may have been deleted) displays a “page not found” message to the user but doesn’t actually return an HTTP 404 status code. They tell the user that the page doesn’t exist, but tell search engines, that the page does exist. Technical SEO Checks
Are there empty Category Pages (ecomm) indexed? ✅ or ❌ Category Pages display products from a specific category and make it easier for online shoppers to browse and find relevant items within that category on an e-commerce website. But empty and similar keyword category pages should not be indexed because they cause duplicates Technical SEO Checks
Has disavow file been created? ✅ or ❌ Disavow file is created to allow website owners to inform search engines about spammy backlinks pointing to our site. This will help prevent negative SEO impacts and improve search rankings. Technical SEO Checks No access to GSC to check
Has disavow file been checked? ✅ or ❌ Disavow file should be checked to ensure that any unwanted or harmful backlinks pointing to a website are excluded. Technical SEO Checks No access to GSC to check
Is robot.txt stored within the root directory of the domain? ✅ or ❌ Best practice for the robot.txt file to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Each directive (i.e. rule) is on a separate line ✅ or ❌ Best practice for the robot.txt file to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Use each user-agent only once ✅ or ❌ Best practice for the robot.txt file to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Use a seperate robots.txt file for each subdomain if there are multiple subdomains ✅ or ❌ Best practice for the robot.txt file to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Add a reference to the sitemap in the robots.txt file ✅ or ❌ Best practice for the robot.txt file to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Test your robots.txt file via https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598?hl=en&ref_topic=6061961 ✅ or ❌ Proves robot.txt correct functionning Technical SEO Checks
sitemap. xml file size should not exceed 50MB ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Sitemap should not contain more than 50,000 URLs ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Create a separate sitemap for video content ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Create a separate sitemap for images ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Stick to the default naming convention: yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Submit the XML sitemap(s) to Google Search Console ✅ or ❌ Best practice for sitemap to work properly Technical SEO Checks
Index bloating ✅ or ❌ Sometimes, Googlebot (Google’s web crawler) will crawl and index pages that simply offer no value to the end-user. These pages “bloat” your index and use up precious crawl budget as Google spends time unnecessarily crawling and indexing them. Technical SEO Checks
Are there indexed www. and non-www. pages? ✅ or ❌ If the website serves pages with www., it’s important that there aren’t any non-www. pages being indexed by Google as this causes further duplication. Technical SEO Checks
Are there indexed Sorting & View pages (eCommerce) ✅ or ❌ Verifies if duplicate pages are indexed for sort and view pages. Technical SEO Checks
Are there indexed pages with and without trailing slash? ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid duplicate issues. Technical SEO Checks
Are there indexed Capitalized pages? i.e. /cart/ and /Cart/ ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid duplicate issues. Technical SEO Checks
Are there indexed pages for different device ? i.e. example.com (desktop) and m.example.com (mobile) ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid duplicate issues. Technical SEO Checks
Are there AMP and non-AMP pages indexed? ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid duplicate issues. Technical SEO Checks
Is the meta robots tag placed into the <head> section of your web page? ✅ or ❌ Requirement for meta robots well functioning. Technical SEO Checks
Pages you don't want any search engine to index, use: <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> ✅ or ❌ Requirement for meta robots well functioning. Technical SEO Checks
Pages you don't want Googlebot to index, use: <meta name="googlebot" content="noindex"> ✅ or ❌ Requirement for meta robots well functioning. Technical SEO Checks
Parameter should not conflict i.e. <meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, index"> ✅ or ❌ Requirement for meta robots well functioning. Technical SEO Checks
X-Robots Tag - Make sure you have access to your website’s header.php, .htaccess, or server access file. ✅ or ❌ The X-Robots tag is an element of the HTTP header that controls the indexing of web pages as well as specific elements of a page. Using this method is great if you want to prevent Google (and other search engines) from indexing resources that aren’t HTML pages like images of PDF files. Technical SEO Checks
Use the same directives as you would for the Meta Robots Tag i.e. noindex, nofollow, index, follow ✅ or ❌ Best practice for well functioning Technical SEO Checks
To block specific pages, use: header(“X-Robots-Tag: noindex”, true); ✅ or ❌ Best practices for well functioning Technical SEO Checks
Use absolute URLs instead of relative paths ✅ or ❌ Recommendation from Google Technical SEO Checks
Use lowercase URLs instead of capitalized URLs ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid generating duplicates Technical SEO Checks
Use the correct version of your domain i.e. HTTPS or HTTP ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid generating duplicates Technical SEO Checks
Canonicalize your homepage ✅ or ❌ It’s good practice to canonicalize your home page proactively to avoid duplicates. Technical SEO Checks
Don’t use multiple canonicals ✅ or ❌ If Google encounters more than one rel=canonical on a page, it will ignore them all. Technical SEO Checks
rel=canonical should appear in the <head> or HTTP header ✅ or ❌ Google recommends that you Include the rel=canonical link in either the <head> of the page or the HTTP header. Technical SEO Checks
Use self-referential tags ✅ or ❌ Google’s John Mueller recommends using self-referential canonicals “because it really makes it clear to us which page you want to have indexed, or what the URL should be when it is indexed”. Technical SEO Checks
Ensure canonicalized pages shouldn’t be blocked ✅ or ❌ A common mistake is to disallow Google from accessing your canonicalized pages (i.e. your master pages) in your robots.txt or have added a “noindex” meta tag. Technical SEO Checks
Non-canonicalized pages shouldn’t appear in your sitemap ✅ or ❌ Google recommends that only your canonicalized pages are listed in your sitemap. Technical SEO Checks
Ensure that 302 redirects haven’t been left for a long time ✅ or ❌ Search engines will start to treat them as permanent redirects. Technical SEO Checks
Pick the right schema markup for your page ✅ or ❌ It’s important that you mark up the content on your site using the right schemas. You can find the full hierarchy of schema markups here. Technical SEO Checks POP
Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper tool to generate your structured data ✅ or ❌ Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper tool quickly and easily allows you to generate the structured data code for your web page. Technical SEO Checks
Place your structured data in the <head> section of your web page ✅ or ❌ Recommendation for good functionality. Technical SEO Checks
Test the structured data using Google’s Rich Results Test ✅ or ❌ Recommendation for good functionality. Technical SEO Checks
Use JSON-LD instead of RDFa or Microdata ✅ or ❌ In case the structured data is implemented using raw code, Google specifically recommends using JSON-LD instead of RDFA or Microdata. Technical SEO Checks
Ensure that your structured data follows Google’s official guidelines ✅ or ❌ Ensure that your structured data adheres to Google’s official guidelines – For example: - Don’t mark up content that isn’t visible to the user. - Don’t mark up content that’s irrelevant or misleading. - Ensure that the content you markup is relevant and up to date. - Add the same markup to all versions of a web page and not just the canonical version. Technical SEO Checks
Server Log File Analysis ✅ or ❌ A server log file is a file that automatically records information about every HTTP request made to your web server. This includes information such as the IP address of the client, the timestamp, the type of HTTP request, the requested URL, the HTTP status code of the URL that the server returned as well as the user agent (i.e. web crawlers). Technical SEO Checks
View URL Crawl Frequency ✅ or ❌ Refers to how often a URL is crawled by search engine spiders, otherwise known as web crawlers. Technical SEO Checks
View Directory Crawl Frequency ✅ or ❌ Refers to how often the directories of a site are crawled Technical SEO Checks
View File Crawl Frequency ✅ or ❌ Refers to how often a file of a site is crawled Technical SEO Checks
View User Agent Crawl Frequency ✅ or ❌ Refer to which user-agents are crawling the site the most (Googlebot, Yandexbot,bingbot), Technical SEO Checks
View All Crawled URLs ✅ or ❌ Shows exactly which URLs search engine bots like Googlebot have crawled on the site via the URLs Technical SEO Checks
Estimate Your Crawl Budget ✅ or ❌ A summary of stats such as Unique URLs per day (number of URLs crawled by bots in a day), Total Events and Events per day (number of requests made by bots in a day) offer clues on the crawl budget. Technical SEO Checks
Identify Accessibility Issues ✅ or ❌ Identify the pages that may have returned 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx response codes when search engines tried to access them. Technical SEO Checks
Spot Orphan Pages ✅ or ❌ A page without any links to it is called an orphan page. Combining the log file data and a general crawl from a log analyzser tool like Screaming Frog allows to easily find orphaned pages. Technical SEO Checks
Identify Potential Performance Issues ✅ or ❌ Find URLs and files that may be too large and hinder the site’s SEO performance. Technical SEO Checks
Check the right certificate is used for the site ✅ or ❌ Check the right certificate is in use for the site: - Single – If you have just one domain - Multi-domain – If you have multiple domains - Wildcard certificate – If you have one domain, with multiple subdomains. Technical SEO Checks
Ensure the HTTPS site isn’t blocked from crawling by your robots.txt. ✅ or ❌ Best practice to avoid crawling issues Technical SEO Checks
Ensure the certificate isn't expiring soon ✅ or ❌ SSL certificate should be valid for security reasons Technical SEO Checks
✅ or ❌ Technical SEO Checks
Broken / Redirected Internal Links ✅ or ❌ Broken and redirected internal links are two of the most common technical SEO issues. They can have a negative impact on your website's SEO, user experience, and overall performance. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Broken / Redirected External Links ✅ or ❌ Broken and redirected external links are also common technical SEO issues. They can have a negative impact on your website's SEO, user experience, and overall performance. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Are there any dead images? ✅ or ❌ To check dead images we need to visit each page of the website and visually inspect the images. If an image is missing or appears broken (displaying a broken image icon), it could be a dead image. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Page Titles - Are any page titles missing? ✅ or ❌ Missing page titles can negatively impact SEO and user experience. Each page should have a unique, descriptive title for search engines and users to understand its content. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Meta DescriptionsAre any Meta Descriptions missing? ✅ or ❌ Missing meta descriptions can impact search engine rankings and user experience. We should ensure every page has a unique and descriptive meta description to improve SEO and provide users with relevant information in search results. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Are images ALT tags in use? ✅ or ❌ Images ALT tags are an essential part of web accessibility and SEO. ALT tags provide alternative text descriptions for images, enabling screen readers to convey the content to users with visual impairments and improving search engine indexation. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Broken Backlinks ✅ or ❌ Broken backlinks are hyperlinks on a webpage that no longer lead to their intended destination. It can negatively impact user experience and SEO performance. SEO tool audit (Ahrefs, Moz, Semrush)
Responsive check ✅ or ❌ Responsive check enhances user satisfaction, boosts engagement, and improves search engine rankings, ultimately leading to increased traffic and conversions. Mobile Audit Checks 2 issuses in console, couldn't check rest
Popups/Interstitials ✅ or ❌ Popups are used to interact with visitors but it should not be shown every time on the website because it will interrupt and frustrate the users. Mobile Audit Checks
Mobile Page Size ✅ or ❌ Best practices for improving the load speeds on mobile should be implemented.One quick and simple way to do this is to optimize the images by using image compression, scaling, and lazy-loading. Mobile Audit Checks
Image use ✅ or ❌ Images on websites are used for enhancing visual appeal, conveying information, and supporting content. Compressed images shoul be used for better user experience. Mobile Audit Checks
Search console errors ✅ or ❌ Search console errors can include issues such as mobile usability problems, crawl errors specific to mobile pages, mobile-friendly test failures, and issues with mobile sitemaps. Mobile Audit Checks
AMP Check ✅ or ❌ AMP is a framework that aims to create fast-loading mobile pages. AMP-optimized pages are prioritized by Google in mobile search results. Mobile Audit Checks
Mobile Navigation ✅ or ❌ Mobile navigation for a website is the design and functionality that enables users to access and navigate its content on smartphones. It includes menus, buttons, and intuitive interactions, ensuring a seamless user experience on smaller screens. Mobile Audit Checks