Here’s a clone-able Brand Positioning Map - applied to our own community ‘10Xer Club’

Why We believe that nothing should stand between great people and great opportunities
What 10Xer Club is an invite-only community where marketers level up, network and open new doors for each other.
How Our members (i) get mentored by the top minds in marketing today (ii) connect with exceptional peers in their field (iii) land interviews at top brands

| Key pillars | 0% Professors.  100% CMOs. | 0% Theory.  100% Frameworks & Blueprints  | 0% Cold DMs.  100% Warm Intros.  | 0% Empty Promises.  100% Outcomes.  | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Brand Attributes | Expert  | Pragmatic | Helpful | Transparent  | | Benefit Statement | 10Xer Club’s skill-stack accelerator helps you get mentored and trained by top CMOs who know what it takes.  | 10Xer Club helps you get access to the hard-earned knowledge refined by decades of experience of top marketers in the country.  | 10Xer Club helps you connect and network with exceptional professionals in marketing, advertising, PR etc. so that you can soundboard, find opportunities and enjoy amazing meet-ups | 10Xer Club enables you to take a shot at getting the ‘10X Charter’ which ensures a minimum of 3 interviews for charter-holders, within 6 months of their accelarator completion.  | | Messaging  | Learn from those you aspire to be like | Never start from scratch again  | Top marketers, always one message away | Increase the surface area for serendipity to strike you | | Personas | Early to Mid career Marketer  | Late career Marketer  | Lateral Entrants into Marketing  | Founders and Start-up CXOs | | Persona-specific benefits | (i) Learn marketing that your B-school didn’t teach you (ii) get access to exceptional people who become your new inner circle (iii) Sharpen your skills in marketing areas where you have less exposure so far | (i) Connect with top people in your field (ii) Soundboard new ideas with the community (iii) Find your next marketing hires  | (i) Get the right credentials to help getting shortlisted for marketing roles (ii) Build proof of work through projects in every sprint (iii) Create new skills and find jobs through the community  | (i) Build a solid foundation in critical areas of building your brand (ii) Control customer acquisition costs (iii) Find your first marketing hires  |

<aside> 💥 BRAND PREFERENCE MAP - Questions to ask to nail preference for your brand over your competitors


| SCENARIO/SITUATION | AWARENESS | EXPERIENCE | DISTRIBUTION INTENSITY | How to  Convert/Engage | Metrics | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Considering a New Product Category (e.g., a user thinking of getting their first smartwatch) | Are they familiar with your brand's offering in this category?

| Have past experiences with your brand (maybe in other product categories) been positive?

| Is your product available in their preferred shopping platforms or outlets?

| — Educational campaigns to inform potential users about product benefits. — Testimonials from other first-time users. — Easy return policies to reduce the perceived risk of trying something new. | — Conversion rate of first-time category buyers. — Engagement on educational content. — Return rate for the product. | | Considering Multiple Brands in the Same Category (e.g., choosing between several smartphone brands) | Your brand is one among several the user is considering.

| Comparing past experiences and reviews across the brands.

| Is your product just as available as the competitors'?

| — Comparison charts showcasing your product's advantages. — Special offers or bundles to entice selection. — Highlight unique features or benefits not found in competing products. | — Conversion rate against competitors. — Engagement on comparison content. — Sales of unique features or bundled items. | | Upgrading from a Basic to a Premium Version (e.g., moving from a basic phone to a high-end smartphone)

| Are they aware of the premium features and benefits your brand offers? | How was their experience with the basic version? Was it satisfactory enough to consider an upgrade with the same brand? | Ensure premium versions are as accessible as basic ones.

| — Highlight the benefits and added features of the premium version. — Offer an upgrade discount or trade-in program. — Share testimonials from users who made the upgrade and are satisfied. | — Number of users upgrading versus switching brands. — Engagement with upgrade promotional materials. — Satisfaction rate post-upgrade. | | Launching a New Product (e.g., introducing a new line of skincare products) | How can we inform potential users of this new offering? Are they even aware that a new product is launching soon?

| Can users relate this new product with their previous positive experiences with the brand? Or is this their first interaction?

| How widespread and easily accessible is the new product upon launch?

| — Host a launch event or webinar, possibly with influencers or experts to introduce the product and its unique features. — Offer limited-time promotions or early-bird specials for early adopters. — Engage users with behind-the-scenes content showing the product development, testing, and manufacturing process to build trust. | — Number of units sold in the first month post-launch. — Engagement rate with launch promotional materials. — User reviews and feedback within the first three months of launch. | | Making Environmentally-Conscious Choices (e.g., choosing sustainable products) | Do users recognize your brand's eco-friendly initiatives? | Was their last environmentally-friendly purchase with your brand satisfactory? | Is your eco-friendly range easily available? | — Emphasize sustainable practices in branding and marketing. — Offer information sessions or webinars on environmental impact. — Showcase authentic reviews from eco-conscious customers. | — Sales growth of sustainable product line. — Engagement on eco-friendly content. — Feedback and reviews on sustainable products. | | Exploring Niche or Specialty Products (e.g., looking for artisanal cheeses) | Are users aware your brand caters to their niche interests? | Have past experiences with your brand's niche products been satisfactory? | Ensure niche products are available in specialized outlets or online platforms. | — Highlight the uniqueness and authenticity of your products. — Partner with niche influencers or experts for endorsements. — Host specialized events or tastings relevant to the niche. | — Sales growth in the niche category. — Engagement with specialized marketing campaigns. — Feedback from niche product users. | | Looking for Value Deals (e.g., shopping during a sale season) | Is your brand perceived as offering good value for money? | Were past deals and offers perceived as genuine value by users? | Ensure discounted products are widely available. | — Offer bundle deals or "buy one get one" promotions. — Highlight savings clearly in marketing materials. — Engage users with flash sales or limited-time offers. | — Sales volume during discount periods. — Engagement with promotional content. — User feedback on perceived value during sales. | | Seasonal Purchase (e.g., buying a new jacket for winter) | Are users thinking of your brand for seasonal needs? | How was their experience with last season's products? | Ensure seasonal products are easily accessible during peak periods. | — Launch a timely marketing campaign emphasizing seasonality. — Offer limited-time seasonal bundles or sets. — Engage users with user-generated content showcasing real-life use of seasonal products. | — Seasonal sales growth year-on-year. — Engagement rate on seasonal campaigns. — Stock turnover rate during peak season. | | Negative Publicity | High due to media coverage; brand is top of mind but for negative reasons. | Past positive experiences might be overshadowed by the recent incident.

| Some outlets might distance themselves.

| — Address the issue openly and transparently. — Offer solutions or reparations. — Share positive brand stories or testimonials to counterbalance the negative narrative. | — Brand sentiment before and after addressing the issue. — Customer churn rate. — Engagement on positive brand stories shared. | | Prior Loyalty to a Different Brand | They’re aware of your brand but have consistently chosen another. | Need to convince them that switching will offer a better or comparable experience. | Make switching convenient. | — Offer trials or samples to experience your product. — Loyalty rewards for those switching. — Highlight what loyal customers of your brand love about it. | — Conversion rate of brand switchers. — Feedback from new converts. — Repeat purchases or sustained loyalty from former users of competing brands. |